Harm Reduction Center - Prevention Resource Network

Our Harm Reduction Program is one of the 7 State funded Harm Reduction Centers. We offer an assortment of harm reduction services to serve our community. This program provides free syringes and injection equipment for those individuals injecting drug and/or hormones. Syringe Access is essential to reducing syringe sharing and decreasing rates of HIV and Hepatitis C transmission. The program also provides referrals to drug treatment, detoxification, social services, and primary health care.

Clients who use our program will receive the following:

  • overdose prevention
  • narcan education and distribution
  • harm reduction counseling
  • harm reduction groups
  • fentanyl test strips, syringes and supplies for anyone injecting any hormones and/or substances
  • safe disposal of used syringes
  • referrals to other services such as drug treatment and social services.

Our ARCH Nurse on site who can provide HIV, HVC, STD, and pregnancy testing, wound care for any abscess or blown veins, and referrals to any further medical services needed.
